ARC fleet. Copyright: WCC Panda 8000i Panda 5000i Neo Foto 4000sneo

On-board power specialist Fischer Panda UK is continuing its long-standing support of the World Cruising Club’s Ocean Cruising Seminar and the ARC this year.

Corporate sponsors Fischer Panda UK will attend the two-day seminar on 9th and 10th March in Guildford and give a presentation to participants on the subject of ‘Power Management’, with specific tips for ARC (Atlantic Rally for Cruisers) and World ARC participants and other offshore sailors.

As part of a comprehensive programme of lectures covering topics from sails and rigging, safety and communication, to weather and crew, Fischer Panda’s Director of Sales and Marketing Chris Fower and Marine Sales Executive Robert Tuck will take the stage to explain how to complete a power audit and choose the right generator, as well as to discuss batteries and charging methods.

The company’s partnership with the ARC also involves Fischer Panda Germany sending an engineer to Las Palmas before the ARC departs to provide last-minute technical support and advice for the rally participants.

The WCC’s Ocean Cruising Seminar brings together a range of industry experts to offer advice and information with presentations and one-to-one discussions around the planning and preparation required for an Atlantic circuit or round the world voyage. Fellow cruisers also get the opportunity to mingle at organised lunch breaks and dinners.

Chris Fower said: “The Ocean Cruising Seminar has become a key event for us in recent years as a way of meeting the rally participants and getting a chance to talk to them and answer questions about the significant benefits of a marine generator.

“During an ocean passage, a generator can make a huge difference to the overall comfort of the boat owner and crew in terms of providing ample power regardless of wind or solar conditions. With no issues regarding different voltage supplies, a generator offers complete self-sufficiency, with AC-powered battery charging, plus the ability to run a water maker and air conditioning. However, it is important that people select the right generator for their vessel and needs, which is where we are able to help.”

Jeremy Wyatt, WCC Communications Director, said: “The Ocean Cruising Seminar provides a really useful and enjoyable program for ARC participants or anyone planning a long passage. The experts and companies on hand play a huge part in the success of the event, offering vital knowledge, tips and advice for people. Fischer Panda is a well-known name in the field of leading generator solutions, so we are very grateful to the specialists at Fischer Panda UK for their backing on the day once again and for their wider support of the ARC in recent years.”

Celebrating 25 years in business in 2019, Fischer Panda UK offers full-system capability, servicing and aftercare, supplying marine generators, electric propulsion, air-conditioning, watermakers, and power monitoring and control solutions. The company supplies an extensive range of compact diesel generators including its next generation highly efficient and powerful variable speed iSeries-Generators. Its 4000s Neo, 5000i Neo and twin cylinder 8000i are all ideal gen-sets for ARC participants.

The Ocean Cruising Seminar takes place at the Holiday Inn, Guildford, starting at 8am on Saturday, 9th March, and finishing at 4:30pm on Sunday, 10th March. Register here to secure your place.

Fischer Panda will be at Crick Boat Show, Seawork International and Southampton Boat Show.




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